An online guide to your Fast Track Skin Check Clinic
Helping you get checked for any concerns you have about new or changing skin lesions and moles

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Understanding how the fast track skin check clinic works
Introducing you to the fast track skin check clinic and explaining how we work.
Meet our team
Here is a quick guide to some of the people in our team you might meet as part of our fast track service. For more information, visit our team page.
Fast track skin check referral and clinic appointment
In this video, one of our specialty doctors explains how to get referred into the fast track skin check clinic and what to expect following referral.
Further investigations in the skin check clinic
If we think further investigations are needed, we will suggest that a biopsy is performed. In this video, our biopsy team will explain what to expect if you are offered a biopsy.
Remember, many patients see in the fast track skin check clinic will not require a biopsy or any other further investigations.
What happens after your biopsy?
Once we have your results, you may or may not need further treatment. In this video, one of our clinical nurse specialists will explain what happens at this stage in more detail.
Remember, many patients will not need any further treatment after their initial biopsy.