Dr Ghaderi
Specialist doctor in Dermatology
Dr Ghaderi is one of the dermatology specialty doctors. He reviews patients in the fast track skin check clinic and decides if they need a biopsy.

Dr Talukdar
Specialist doctor in Dermatology
Dr Talukdar is one of the dermatology specialty doctors. He reviews patients in the fast track skin check clinic and decides if they need a biopsy.

Naomi Fowler
Physician associate
Naomi is a physician associate working in dermatology and plastic surgery. She performs skin biopsies as part of the fast track skin check clinic in order to obtain diagnoses.

Mae Oreta
Advanced clinical practitioner
Mae is an advanced clinical practitioner working in dermatology and plastic surgery. She performs skin biopsies as part of the fast track skin check clinic in order to obtain diagnoses.

Shazia Mohammed
Senior sister
Shazia is the dermatology senior sister. She co-ordinates the day-to-day running of the department, ensuring a high standard of care is provided.

Jeanifer Gachev
Skin cancer clinical nurse specialist
Jeanifer is a skin cancer clinical nurse specialist. She provides support and education to patients who have been diagnosed with a skin cancer.

Lindsey McCorry
Deputy general manager
Lindsey is a deputy general manager working with the dermatology department, overseeing the department and leading on improvement projects.