Your treatment pathway explained
Please watch and follow our guide to your recovery. No matter how good the operation, if you don’t follow our exercise routines you will not make the progress we’d like to see.
Your recovery after surgery
- Use crutches or walking sticks at first – go down to 1 crutch then a walking stick when you feel confident
- Try walking without an aid after about 6 weeks if you feel ready
- Get up and walk around for 5 minutes every hour to prevent blood clots
- Wait at least 6 weeks to drive again if you’ve had a total knee replacement or 3 weeks if you’ve had a partial knee replacement – check with your doctor that you’re fit to drive
- Avoid twisting your knee, bending down and reaching up as much as possible
- Follow the exercises your physiotherapist has recommended
- Keep your leg raised as much as possible to reduce swelling
- Return to work when you feel ready – this is usually after about 6 to 12 weeks but will depend on the type of work you do
- Do not sit with your legs crossed for the first 6 weeks
- Do not sleep with a pillow under your knee (you do not need to sleep in a special position after the operation)
- Do not kneel on your new knee until your doctor says you can
- Do not stand for long periods of time as this could cause swelling in your ankles
- Do not do household tasks that involve lifting or moving anything heavy (like vacuuming) for the first 3 months
Download and use mymobility Patient App
With step by step instructions and daily to-do lists, mymobility supports your surgical preparation and recovery.
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Answering your questions
See our video FAQs.
How soon can I drive again?
Most people can return to driving within four to six weeks after surgery.
Will I need to use a mobility aid such as crutches?
You’re likely to need a weight bearing support for about six weeks after surgery, then a cane for another six weeks. After that, most people can walk well without support. See our mobility guide leaflets.
How soon will I be out of hospital?
You’ll typically stay in the hospital for one to three days after surgery, depending on how quickly you progress with your physiotherapy.