Welcome to the Joint School Virtual Clinic
Support and guidance if you’re coming into hospital for hip or knee surgery

Introduction to Joint School
Welcome to our patient information microsite for hip and knee replacement surgery. We’ve called this the ‘virtual Joint School’ as it supports the face-to-face joint school sessions we run here at the hospital.
Meet our team
Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeons
with specialist interest in hip and knee replacement surgery
James Hahnel
Stephen Guy
Chris Brew
Tom Taggart
Therapy team
Stefan Smaczylo Therapy Team Leader
Adam Cogan Physiotherapist
Farhan Shaukat Therapy Assistant Practitioner
Leah Gill Occupational Therapist
Callum Pickett Trainee Therapy Assistant
Staff uniforms
You will be supported by a range of professional clinical and non-clinical staff as well. See our colour guide to what the different uniforms are for.
What to do before you come in for surgery?
Find out about our pre-assessment clinic and answers to some of the questions you might have about your stay in hospital and recovery at home.
Helpful reminders
What happens on the day of your surgery?
Here from one of our sisters as she talks you through everything you need to know about the being in hospital for your surgery.
Your treatment pathway explained
Whilst there are common recovery pieces of advice, it will depend on if you have had hip or knee surgery.
Click on either of the two panels below to see advice from our specialist teams.