Arthritis at base of the thumb

Your treatment pathway explained

The joint at the base of thumb often becomes arthritic with age.

Your consultant’s guide to arthritis at base of the thumb

What problems does it cause

  • pain during or after activities involving the use of your thumb
  • tenderness at the base of the thumb
  • difficulty in daily tasks such as opening a jar
  • stiffness and difficulty in moving the thumb away from the palm

What solutions can be offered

  • reducing or adjusting arthritis that cause pain
  • simple painkillers including creams
  • splintage to rest and support the joint
  • pain relieving injections
  • surgery is an option if the pain cannot be managed by other means

Your arthtritis could never get that bad that there are no longer any surgical solutions.

Your guide for managing arthritis at the base of the thumb

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When can I drive?

When can I return to work?

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01274 366 281

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Monday to Friday,
8.30am to 5pm

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