5th metatarsal fracture

Hear from our consultant

Your doctor’s advice

5th metatarsal fractures are common injuries in adults that often will settle in time. Please take time to listen to the videos to help with common questions you will have about managing your injury.

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  • Elevate your foot to settle pain and swelling
  • Painkillers can be used initially to help
  • Start to gently walk on your foot as soon as you are able to
  • Gentle movement exercises will prevent your foot and ankle becoming stiff


  • Do not forget to look at the physiotherapy advice video

What our physiotherapist says

The advice and exercises in the video below are designed to help you regain full movement and strength. In order to return to full function as quickly as possible, it is important you follow the recommendations provided.

Contact us

If you have any concerns, contact the Virtual Fracture Clinic on:

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The line is open Monday to Friday, 9am to 4.30pm.

Please leave an answerphone message if the staff are engaged on another call.